Excellent light and considerable energy make this semi-abstract, Time Pieces a favourite among the artist’s friends.
The combinations of primary blue, red, yellow and secondary purple, green, orange colours complement each other. Once again in this harmonious group of watches, the artist mixes primary colours (and white and black) to produce lots of tints and shades of varying values. The darker background gives depth and a 3D feel.
Composed of strongly drawn circles, placed randomly, and viewed from different angles, the eye is kept busy checking them out and wondering who wore the time pieces.
Brush strokes are smooth, but there are dots and strokes indicating various times of the day. The mood is one of ‘fun’, but also raises the question of TIME in our lives. Hence the painting has cerebral impact.
In art, watches, clocks and timepieces have symbolic value. Do these Time Pieces have special meaning for you?
Acrylic on Masonite, date unknown. (Cleaned and framed.)