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The Buggy Shed (46 x 36 cm)

In this authentic Australian landscape the artist portrays a typical buggy shed with high loft and red roof. It’s a bright, glowing, sunny day.

A track that splits two ways, directs the viewer’s eye to linger on the brightly coloured shed.

The artist chose to construct this painting using the ‘rule of thirds’ laterally and has placed the shed slightly left of centre. This makes the painting seem wider. Strong, clear, brush lines outline the tree, the shed and the power pole. The pine trees are in keeping with the authenticity of the countryside, and their placement aids balance.

The bright, golden sea of grass reflects the light from the sun and energizes the painting. The textured red, iron roof also reflects light.

The patches of orange in the foreground are reflected in the sky, where the colour is more subdued, and this adds to the atmosphere. By using short, tilted brush strokes for the grass, it appears as if it is blowing in the breeze.

The mood of the painting is nostalgic.

Despite the absence of living creatures, the building appears to be well maintained and preserved. One could easily imagine a little dog romping through the grass to visit someone working in the buggy shed.

The artist had a strong sense of the subject when he painted The Buggy Shed, and his love of the countryside shines through.

Acrylic on Masonite, date unknown. (Cleaned and framed.)



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