This is a deeply passionate painting.
The artist used the colours of penitence and glory, (in a liturgical sense), purple and its complementary colour, yellow, as base colours for this sensitive painting. By using black, (that may represent man’s fallen state of sin), as a background, the artist gave the painting a dramatic effect. The effect is not just visual, but also emotional, because the artist had the ability to portray his subject as expressing intense thoughts. The painting also has aesthetic appeal. There is something beautiful about this woman in prayer, and the viewer can almost feel the woman’s internal passion.
The subject has her eyes shut, and is in communication with the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a second dark shape, a shadow, adjoining the softer face of the woman. This may represent the dark side of man’s nature, the internal voice of doubt and unbelief, or perhaps it may represent the woman’s sin and in this painting she is praying for forgiveness.
Three crosses in the painting are symbolic of suffering, the larger one representing Christ’s own suffering, and the two crosses in the gothic shapes representing those of the two thieves who were crucified with Him. Gothic art is synonymous with church architecture and originated in France around 1150 AD.
The painting is textured, and the artist used a controlled hand to paint smooth lines, and create smooth shapes. The artist’s use of tonal value on the woman’s face gives it a sense of volume and reality.
Acrylic on Masonite, later career.