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Night Guard (91.5 x 61 cm)

In this profile of a night skydiver, the artist has chosen blue, a primary colour, as the mother colour.

The blue hue has been made less intense in sections of the painting, as the artist added white, grey and tiny drops of black paint to his palette. A small amount of yellow paint has been used to highlight the skydiver’s face, and the shapes of the other skydivers. When yellow and blue paints were placed on the brush together, the colour green resulted, and this was also used to outline the skydiver’s shape.

The painting is textured, and attention has been paid to the details of the skydiver’s apparel.

The distant parachutist, with the yellow canopy, appears to resemble a cross. It is a Christian symbol.

Acrylic on Masonite, date unknown. (Cleaned and framed.)

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